On Walking in Nature.

In Times of mindful clutter, nature is always available to renew. Refresh the mind by leaving frustrations aside and heading out for a short journey. Admire the leaves, admire the sky, admire your reaction to the leaves and the sky. Wonder. Wander. Why are you here? What are you looking at? What is it that you are moving through? What is this quantum moment? Are your problems real? Important? Fall into the deep focus which is no focus. Just be. Existence. Gaze at what is. What is all this that you’re perceiving? Everything all around you; It’s beautiful in a way you cannot understand or explain. How can it be? Feel it. Feel everything around you. Almost as if you’re in an ocean, you can feel the aether. This becomes almost a form of meditation. This is the substance of living in the moment. Think, but don’t think. Act, but don’t act. Breathe… Breathe and don’t breathe. 

Take time to focus on the power of existence. Nature can become a moment where you leave the Matrix and go where no one exists. Where you can embark on a mindful/mindless journey of inquisitive thought. A simple walk can become a new world. You're on a boundless trek of infinite perceptions along the way. Realize that. Every moment is something you’ve created, it can never be again, never has and never will. That exact point in time / location / thought / vibration is entirely unique and it’s happening everywhere all at once. What a unique realization this is. It’s a true wonder. Let go of mundane things that stop this from happening. Learn to un-learn. Open up. Take it all in. Breathe again. 

What is this world? Really hang on that thought for a while. Who are you? Why are you here?

What makes a ‘man’? A construct? There are inevitable constructs it seems that this quantum world appears to follow that almost feel like rules or formulas to a game. Like a bishop or knight that can almost move in its certain ways. As restrictive as those moves may be, it can win or lose the game. Are we bishops? Are we knights? Or are we pawns? Do we know that we are? Does a bishop know that he’s restricted in moving in certain ways? If he did, he'd use those movements more wisely. Are we just the same in this world? Are we restricted to certain movements, but don’t know it? Of course the human flow is much more vast than a chess piece, but perhaps there are strict rules to what should happen in existence. Perversion / Blackness seems to go against rules in this realm. One moving in those methods might not know it. You have to know the chess board entirely and understand all movements in order to see the full picture. Virtue seems to be one of the themes of our chess board. WIthout virtue, we can’t win the chess game. Blind chess pieces don’t know this, and eventually lose the game. 

So I ask again, what makes a man? The construct is built this way. Virtue is the path. See the chess board from above, see all the pieces, know all the methods of movement. Know that blackness is a path that one can choose. Know the consequences. Know the flow. Is Virtue contagious? Is it a light that can be brightened to hide the dark from others? Will darkness flee? Once you understand the flow, you can understand this realm and know that you can upgrade entirely to the queen piece. You can move all ways; to not be restricted in movement. This is only once you’ve broken out of the lower mentality. 

Maybe life is similar to a chess board. A lot of people are pawns. Stuck at the lowest level. Moving upwards, you become a bishop, then a knight, then a rook, then a queen. And once you’ve conquered all realms, you are the King Piece. It’s God. It’s in you. Seek it. Embrace it. Know it. You don’t have to move the pieces anymore. The king moves one step at a time. Patience.

Patience is a virtue.